12 outubro 2011

EVS in Carnide, Lisbon

Associação Spin, acting as the coordinating organization, is currently looking for four volunteers for the October, 16th deadline. The hosting institution, Junta de Freguesia de Carnide, is the local administrative unit of the Carnide area in Lisbon. Here are all the information needed:

Hosting Organization: Junta de Freguesia de Carnide – (2011-PT-5)
Coordinating Organization: Associação Spin, Lisbon (2009-PT-28)
Project EVS service dates: March – November 2012
Project lasts: 9 months
Vacancies: 4 volunteers
Application deadline: 16th October 2011!
Application consists of: CV + project-specific motivation letter. In some cases there may be a video-conference interview.
Application sent to: evsjunta.spin@gmail.com

The hosting institution, Junta de Freguesia de Carnide, is the local administrative unit of the Carnide area in Lisbon. The volunteers are going to work mainly in three of the Junta's departments and their tasks will depend on the department they are assigned to:

SENIOR ACADEMY (1 volunteer)
· Cooperate with Senior Academy's volunteers and Coordinators
· Support the cultural and recreational activities promoted in the Academy, such as language and dance classes
· Promote and implement cultural and recreational workshops for the seniors (ex: language teaching workshop, dance, handicrafts..)
· Participate and support the Organization of Senior's Arraial (Popular party);
· Support to organization and implementation of cultural visits;
· Participate in Elder's summer colonies;
In particular the volunteer will be involved in the planning and programming of activities developed in the Senior Academy and participate in them, by providing support to the Coordinators and volunteers and also through the preparation of own workshop initiatives with the Elders. The volunteer will also collaborate in the organization of cultural visits and recreational activities outdoors for the Seniors as well as provide support for the logistics and company to the Seniors.

· Cooperate with the Education Coordinating Team
· Cooperate with the Trainers
· Facilitate and promote activities for children and school community
· Elaborate and implement new projects in the area of education
In particular, the volunteer will give support to families, children and youngsters in activities related to curricular improvement. They will also participate in organization of the children’s popular marches, the “Expressions Fair” event and the summer animations. The volunteer will be present in all of the educational projects developed during their stay.

· Cooperate with the Culture Coordinating Team
· Participate in organization of cultural events and activities for the local community
· Cooperate with formal and informal groups in the area of culture
· Elaborate and implement of new projects in the area of culture
In specific, the volunteer will help with the regular cultural events (exhibitions, debates, book launches and presentations, theater plays, concerts, etc.) in several spaces of the Junta de Freguesia, namely the Culture Center of Carnide, bandstand and parish historical center, Espaço Bento Martins and Carnide’s Arts Market. They will also support the organization of Carnide’s popular marches and celebrations and implement cultural activities in the several neighborhoods of the Carnide area.
Regardless of the department/project, the volunteers will also have the chance to participate in activities with senior/elder citizens. This voluntary work will be done in cooperation with the Senior Academy of the Junta de Freguesia de Carnide and may include accompanying cultural visits and organizing events.

One typical day of the volunteers may be:
11:00 – 13:00: General work in one of the three departments (Senior Academy, Education or Culture)
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 17:30: Specific support to the Coordinating team of the chosen area (Youth, Education or Culture), developing and implementing the volunteers' own initiatives
19:00 – 20:30: Portuguese Language class

Concerning the stay of the EVS volunteers, the coordinating organization, Associação Spin, will provide the lodging in a flat as close to the workplace as possible. The volunteer might have to share the room with another volunteer/student/young person. A monthly allowance will be provided by the coordinating organization to cover food expenses and local public transportations, including also the pocket money.

Volunteers are expected to spend 30-35 hours a week working. Their daily timetable includes time for language lessons, lunch, social activities and development of their own project ideas, etc. They are entitled to two days off for every month of their voluntary work. At the end of their EVS, the volunteers will receive a Youthpass certificate.

Who are we looking for?
Volunteers aged 18-30 years, open minded, eager to learn about new cultures and lifestyles, as well as to participate in the proposed project activities with the local community. It is not required to have any particular degree of formal education, but to have positive and proactive attitude, show tolerance, flexibility, motivation and enthusiasm.

11 outubro 2011

A minha experiência SVE... so far

A minha história SVE demonstra como nem sempre é uma experiência fanstástica e que existem altos e baixos nesta aventura; muitas das vezes baixos. Que nem sempre chegamos ao nosso ponto de partida e encontramos um sítio maravilhoso, pessoas extraordinárias ou um trabalho que nos motiva. Pensamos que talvez não temos estômago suficiente para enfrentar o que nos espera e questionamos a nossa opção.

O meu SVE começou em Maio e saí de Portugal quando estava quase Verão e o mesmo esperava ao chegar à Grécia. Não aconteceu. Assim que cheguei a Prespa (aldeia Lemos), não estava ninguém nas ruas, chovia a potes e nenhum dos voluntários chegou para me receceber. Em volta só vi montanhas, casas de pedra e tractores. Nas ruas estreitas só havia um pequeno café (o único divertimento da Aldeia) e uma pequena loja.

Em casa tinha que saltar por cima de colchões e de sacos sujos com roupa até chegar ao quarto, e em toda a casa havia sinais de insecticida para ratos. Todos os dias teria que cortar lenha para tomar banho e para me aquecer, assim durante 1 ano que ali iria estar. Não consegui dormir e só pensava em ir-me embora no dia seguinte.
Durante semanas não tirei as roupas da Mala; olhava para a mala todos os dias e todos os dias pensava em sair de Prespa. Assim se passaram exactamente 3 semanas até que dei a mim mesma um prazo para ficar ou sair; para pensar se realmente valia a pena fazer SVE, ficar na Grécia, ficar em Prespa.

Ao fim de 3 semanas vi poderia perder tudo sem sequer tentar e que desistir nunca é solução. Decidi ficar.

Hoje, perto dos 5 meses de projecto vejo tantas diferenças em mim que me sinto crescer e ficar mais independente todos os dias. Sinto-me mais auto-confiante e consigo fazer coisas que antes nunca pensei fazer: corto lenha todos os dias, coordeno um projecto sozinha, consigo comunicar em grego com os locais, vou à montanha todos os fins-de-semana, nado no lago...

Esta breve história prova que nem sempre tudo corre conforme esperamos. O SVE não é linear. Tem altos e baixos, ensina-nos coisas que nunca pensámos aprender, aprendemos com os erros. Ficamos até mais fortes.

Não ter voltado as costas a Prespa ensinou-me mais do que agora posso compreender, mas vejo que os meus horizontes estão mais largos e sinto-me diferente da pessoa que saiu de Portugal.

Da minha história quero apenas transmitir que existem adversidades no SVE e que desses momentos menos bons também aprendemos e amadurecemos. Ainda que agora seja dificíl compreender.