20 julho 2024

O testemunho final da Katarzyna (Spin)

 My volunteer adventure has come to an end. I can't believe these six months went by so quickly. This time has been incredibly valuable to me. At SPIN, we organized several youth exchanges, and although there was a lot of work, I had a great time. It was exciting to be involved in these exchanges from an organizational perspective, and sometimes I even got to participate in activities with the participants, such as learning the Brazilian martial art Capoeira. I also really enjoyed painting a mural. Although I had initial doubts, I ended up enjoying being a guide and taking groups on cultural visits, like to the castle. I experienced many memorable moments at SPIN that will stay with me forever. The team is fantastic, and we had a lot of fun together.

In early May, I had the chance to spend a week in Chaves for on-arrival training. I loved it and met volunteers from all over Portugal. We shared our experiences and learned valuable things that helped me make the most of my volunteer time. Additionally, I got to see a part of Portugal I wouldn't have visited otherwise, and it's truly beautiful there.

In mid-June, I had the opportunity to go to Marseille for the Youthful project, which focuses on creating a guide for immigrants arriving in Lisbon and Marseille. I really like the concept of this project, so I'm glad I could be a part of it and share my ideas. I enjoyed meeting another organization and their volunteers, who welcomed us warmly. Marseille is really amazing, especially the beautiful beaches nearby that look like paradise.

Living in Lisbon has been an amazing experience for me. The city is beautiful, and I felt grateful every day to live there. As a resident, I could visit various monuments for free every Sunday, which helped me get to know Lisbon even better. The Portuguese people are very kind, making me feel at home. Additionally, I explored nearby cities, which also captivated me.

Although there were some tough moments, in the end, I only remember the good times. I met many interesting people from different countries. Moving to Lisbon and this six-month volunteer experience changed me a lot. I feel like I've grown so much. This is a precious life experience that no one can take away from me. If I had to decide again whether to go, I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Beijinhos 💋💋


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