15 fevereiro 2018

O testemunho da Katarzyna

It was a big step. Big step for me. New country, new people, new reality. 
I have been visiting other countries few times, but never for so long. Never for 7 months. 
Lisboa was somewhere in my head. Yellow trams, Ocean, narrow streets… All of this I saw many times somewhere in the Internet, books, magazines, TV. But this time I was about to see it on my own eyes. 
Two years ago I have decided I will take part in EVS program. It happened just after my first Youth Exchange in Romania (EU program), where I found that something like EVS exist. I felt there huge energy coming from this mish mash of cultures, people, ideas. Maybe it is possible to change my life? To make my dream come true? 
First step: I have changed my job and start working abroad while applying for EVS. However, not every EVS, not everywhere. Only the ones, that I felt connection with. In some I was rejected, in some didn’t even got an answer. And then BINGO! I got accepted in SPIN in Lisbon! Brilliant! 
1st September 2016 I was sitting on the plane to Lisbon. For 9 months project. The adventure have just begun. It was exciting and fantastic and also nervous at the same time. Didn’t know what to expect. I was on the plane to Lisbon, and when we’ve reached the city, the captain said: “Ladies and Gentleman, we have to fly to Porto, cause there are technical issues at the airport.” Nice start I thought. I will see two cities on one way! 
What did the project give me? 
Self confidence, space for me, time, time to think, to figure myself out, friends, new culture, laughter, homesick, possibility to appreciate your own country, understanding how important your family and friends are in your life. But also huge vest of opportunities to try new things: playing Frisbee in a team, cooking for 12 people Polish dishes, to handle with winter without radiator at home ;), to speak Portuguese (even knowing only with words), to drive a car in a foreign country, to hitchhike, to date foreigners, to speak more often foreign languages than mother tongue, to eat tuna!, to eat pumpkin soup almost every day, to perform in front of students and speaking there Portuguese and English, to write letters with fountain pen all night, to live in a tenement house with 7 people from all over the world and see how different and the same we are, to sing karaoke in the kitchen in languages I don’t know. 
My mindset was broaden and I knew If I want to fulfill my dreams, I need to take actions. So I did. And I am doing it and will be doing. I figure out that I want to work as a tour operator representative abroad so I send my CV with my new gained experience as volunteer at SPIN in Portugal. And you now what? I have got that job!!! :D 
Everything happened for something. One step is making another. So have the courage to take the very first step. Not once, not twice, but even hundred times. 

Every time while you are taking the very first step, the whole universe is opening new doors for you! As it opened for me ☺

O testemunho da Joana

Olá!!! Hoje estou muito triste, já termino o meu SVE em Lisboa. Cheguei no dia 1 de junho a esta maravilhosa cidade, onde aprendi muitas, mesmo muitas coisas. Foi no final do mestrado quando ouvi falar sobre o SVE e da possibilidade de faze-lo na SPEA (Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves), e nem hesitei. Como poderia perder esta oportunidade? 
Parte do meu trabalho consistia na assistência ao projeto LIFE Berlengas, entre cagaras, gaivotas, galhetas e roques-de-castro. Uma das tarefas mais importante na recuperação deste arquipélago tão giro, e remoção de chorão, uma planta invasora que põe em perigo as plantas nativas da ilha, é um trabalho muito duro, mas é reconfortante. 

Aprendi coisas novas, como avaliar a interação das aves com as artes de pesca. Embarcar foi uma experiência incrível, a possibilidade de ver aves que em terra são muito difíceis de observar, e conhecer gente com uma cultura diferente. 

Mas, nem tudo é trabalho no SVE. Viver com pessoas de todo o mundo e partilhar novas experiências têm feito deste ano algo inesquecível. 
No principio disse que estava triste porque isto estava a terminar… más estava a mentir, fico cá, o SVE foi uma oportunidade perfeita para conseguir um trabalho na minha área e continuar a lutar pela conservação da natureza.

14 fevereiro 2018

O testemunho da Natalia

I still remember the first time when I came to Portugal… three days were enough to fall in love in this amazing country and I cannot believe that now I have the possibility to live in Lisbon. 
When I received an e-mail with information that I have been selected to do an EVS project in Bola p’ra Frente I was the happiest person all over the world. At that time I was working full time in Poland, I decided to quit my comfortable work in the office to do something different. 
 I was not afraid at all to move abroad since I had the opportunity to live in Portugal before. The only thing that scared me a bit was how it will be to work in the biggest social neighbourhood in the Iberian Peninsula with kids and young people without having any professional experience in this area. Now I know that it was the best project I could ever dream about. 
During my project, I work in Bola p’ra Frente and my daily activities are linked with spending time with young people, helping them with homework and supporting the organization in every task I am able to help. The organization develops social and sports activities founded in models of non-formal and formal education methodologies. Three times per week we play street football and organize other sports activities for kids from the neighbourhood. People who are part of this organization are amazing and full of passion. They really want to change the situation of young people from the neighbourhood and improve their competences as much as it is possible. It is not only work with youngsters but also with their parents and other family members. 
During last 5 months, I gained so many new experiences. One of my favourite activities in the organization are workshops with Cris on her project RE.criar. The idea of the project is to create new things from old materials to teach young people how to be creative and not waste materials. Every week she presents me new tools that I would never expect to even hold in my hands. 
So far I had the opportunity to see The Voice Portugal in the film studio, football matches and many cultural events which organization prepares for kids. Moreover, I supported the organization while making activities for international days like Dignity or Peace Day. Once I even baked 5 cakes for the anniversary. Each day in Bola p’ra Frente is different and full of new challenges but after 5 months I can say that kids accepted me and I feel a part of the organization. 
EVS project is about giving and sharing your knowledge and skills but it also a great opportunity of meeting amazing people every day. Lisbon is the city where you cannot be alone. I am so glad that I have already met so valuable people and I know that these relations will be friendships for life. I love travelling thus in my free time I try to discover new places where I have never been before, improve my Portuguese as well as my skills in Portuguese cuisine. I spend time with my friends and eat too many amazing desserts which you can easily find in every corner in Lisbon.

02 fevereiro 2018

O testemunho da Cristina

Olá, meu nome é Cristina, sou da Espanha e estou em Lisboa há 3 meses, a cidade onde faço o meu SVE e em que vou passar mais 6 meses.

Eu quero começar meu testemunho dando conselhos a todas aquelas pessoas que estão pensando em ser voluntário, e para aqueles que não o fazem, também: faça isso, não pense muito, faça com medo, com alegria, com tristeza, com nostalgia ... mas faça isso, merece muito a pena. Então eu vou explicar o porquê.

Cheguei em Lisboa em 1 de novembro de 2017, com medo e incerteza, não vou te enganar, um novo país para se adaptar, uma nova língua, etc ..., esse medo diminui e até desaparece porque ... pensemos nas coisas boas: novo pessoas a conhecer, novas experiências, aprendizado e diversão, o "mau" é bem recompensado.

Eu percebo meu EVS em uma Sociedade de Esclerose Múltipla, e para mim, que eu amo minha profissão (eu sou educadora social) e as relações diárias com os usuários, estou encantada com a vida. Desde o primeiro momento, tanto os usuários como os colegas de trabalho me fizeram sentir parte de tudo, apesar da minha dificuldade com o português (calma, pouco a pouco, você aprende).

Hoje participei de projetos com várias atividades, ri, fiquei excitado, dançava sevillanas, me disfarçei, cantei, aprendi músicas, ditos populares, costumes portugueses ... Em geral aprendi e gostei de fazê-lo.

Digamos também sobre a cidade ... "Lisboa menina e moça" cantou Carlos de Carmo (sim, descobri que adoro fado). Lisboa é uma ótima cidade, muito bonita, com muitas ruas calmas e não tão silencioso para andar, milhões de pastelarias para retornar à Espanha rolando, deliciosos cafés em cada esquina, miradouros com vistas de ataque cardíaco, países naturais e praias infinitas, muita vida na rua, pessoas amigáveis ​​e sim, muitas inclinações também jjjj. É uma cidade que vale a pena descobrir, e que melhor maneira de fazê-lo durante 9 meses de sua vida.

Em geral, estou muito feliz por ter tomado essa decisão, não tão fácil, mas preciso crescer e seguir em frente, e acabei com esse testemunho quando comecei: animar-te para fazer um SVE, você não se arrependerá.