15 outubro 2024

O testemunho final do Simone (JFC - Culture)

It’s time to sum things up. I have been asked to summarize in a short text what my year in Lisbon has been like. Many people close to me may take pride in saying “It’s thanks to me or to us that he had a good experience”; First, I want to clarify, as I briefly mentioned, that yes, I had a good experience, but a big thanks goes to my roommates and the friends I’ve made here. I certainly don’t want to undermine anyone; the Spin association played a significant role in all of this, especially in making it possible for me to be here, and the staff at the Natalia Correia library for giving me the freedom to act and welcoming me like a grandson.

Did I give my best? Could I have done more? Perhaps yes. I could have been more involved in the life of the library, but deep down, I feel I listened to those who wanted to talk to me, tell me, or explain parts of Portuguese culture and the workings of the library. I spent 11 months in the Spin project, working 35 hours a week, Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a one-hour break. A very high number of hours compared to other international volunteers, or if based on ESC rules, which set a minimum of 25 hours per week, including 5 hours of learning the local language. In these 35 hours, I also included 5 hours where I tried to teach or spark an interest in Portuguese among my fellow volunteers, even though I’m no expert but have a good foundation due to my background. All this to say, yes, Simone, you did your part.

What motivated me to keep going, even though there were aspects of the library that could have led to boredom or even stagnation, issues that I am not in a position to declare? After a slight nod to my sense of duty, I want to respond by mentioning the books and the search for indirect personal growth. After the first week, I knew what positives and negatives would come from working in that library. I would have the opportunity to immerse myself deeply in the Portuguese language, with conversations about traditions, food, events, and the geographical morphology of Portugal. Feeling that sense of inclusion was a great achievement for me. Being able to return home, knowing I didn’t feel like a tourist or an outsider, is a wonderful feeling.

Books, on the other hand, were part of a very important personal development and growth. Every day I had the choice between an art book, a comic, a newspaper, a book in Portuguese, or children’s classics, to name just a few options. The continuous practice and training in reading surely helped me pass the admission interview for the master’s program I recently took.
Spin had the task of mediating between volunteers, trying to meet their needs, and ensuring that relations between the various parties were as positive and efficient as possible. Personally, I have nothing to complain about. Catarina, first and foremost, and then the other workers at the association, were very welcoming and supportive of me, with consistently positive and enjoyable exchanges. The initial “gratitude”! activity was very nice, and I recommend, for what it’s repeating it in the future. Perhaps, after that first activity, the interaction with the association
lessened; it could have been more extensive, and certain situations with housing and the
volunteers could have been handled better, but nothing too dramatic. I hope it can survive and
continue to grow; organizations like this benefit society.

To the staff at the Natalia Correia library, I send a big hug. Sonia, Maria José, Prazer, Rosario, and Isaura—amazing women. They argue among themselves but, in the end, they care about each other. Their work is not easy, nor is the environment in which they carry it out. Calling them kind is an understatement; they were always good to me and treated me wonderfully this year. Every day, conversation was at the core—an 8-hour school of language and culture. Little by little, I became more involved in the dynamics. They always made room for my needs and endured my difficulties and demands. Thank you. In return, I had the pleasure of making a nice coffee after lunch to enhance our camaraderie. A big thank you also goes to the cooks at the elementary school in the Padre Cruz neighborhood—you can’t imagine how much you lightened my life, my wallet, and improved my nutrition.

Lastly, to my friends. This summary seems like the final part of a thesis acknowledgment, but in
some way, it is. A big thank you. Waking up in the morning and going to bed at night with your
company made life easier. Moments of passive learning with everyone’s thoughts and cultural
activities stimulating one another. These moments don’t end here like something disposable; they endure over time and remain imprinted in everyone’s memory. The dedication will develop further personally in the future.

It’s been a wonderful, almost full year.

25 setembro 2024

O testemunho final do Andrea (SPEM)

What can I say, a simply crazy experience. I haven't been in Lisbon for ten days now and I already miss it, along with everything I went through during that time and the people who came into my life a bit randomly and who now have a special place in my memories. When I arrived I didn't really know what to expect, now I just want to go back in time to relive everything exactly as it was, along with all the ups and downs. 

I wouldn't change anything but the fact that it could never end. Portugal, and Lisbon in particular, is an amazing place full of wonders that welcomed me and made me feel at home, in fact now I almost feel out of place here in Italy and I miss it with a place where I feel I belong.

During these days during my volunteering at SPEM I felt like I was part of a family and this motivated me to continue along this path. The same goes for the people I have lived with and who have left an indelible mark on me. I write these words as a stream of consciousness, still prey to my emotions, there is still so much to say that I fear I would not be able to write it all down in a month. 

But there is something I am certain of: I could not be more grateful to have had this opportunity, which made me grow a lot and also helped me rethink who I am and work on myself. In short, I would recommend this experience to anyone who wants to get out of their comfort zone or simply put themselves to the test by building a new everyday life in an environment where everything is to be discovered and which often leads one to rethink one's own inhabitants and convictions in a continuous becoming that never stops. So why not try and enjoy every second?

And here I learnt to recognise it, to feel part of something beyond my comprehension, to feel useful for someone who needed it and, above all, part of a larger reality where everyone is accepted for who they are.

After all, as someone often said, ‘Life it's a Movie’.

20 julho 2024

O testemunho final da Katarzyna (Spin)

 My volunteer adventure has come to an end. I can't believe these six months went by so quickly. This time has been incredibly valuable to me. At SPIN, we organized several youth exchanges, and although there was a lot of work, I had a great time. It was exciting to be involved in these exchanges from an organizational perspective, and sometimes I even got to participate in activities with the participants, such as learning the Brazilian martial art Capoeira. I also really enjoyed painting a mural. Although I had initial doubts, I ended up enjoying being a guide and taking groups on cultural visits, like to the castle. I experienced many memorable moments at SPIN that will stay with me forever. The team is fantastic, and we had a lot of fun together.

In early May, I had the chance to spend a week in Chaves for on-arrival training. I loved it and met volunteers from all over Portugal. We shared our experiences and learned valuable things that helped me make the most of my volunteer time. Additionally, I got to see a part of Portugal I wouldn't have visited otherwise, and it's truly beautiful there.

In mid-June, I had the opportunity to go to Marseille for the Youthful project, which focuses on creating a guide for immigrants arriving in Lisbon and Marseille. I really like the concept of this project, so I'm glad I could be a part of it and share my ideas. I enjoyed meeting another organization and their volunteers, who welcomed us warmly. Marseille is really amazing, especially the beautiful beaches nearby that look like paradise.

Living in Lisbon has been an amazing experience for me. The city is beautiful, and I felt grateful every day to live there. As a resident, I could visit various monuments for free every Sunday, which helped me get to know Lisbon even better. The Portuguese people are very kind, making me feel at home. Additionally, I explored nearby cities, which also captivated me.

Although there were some tough moments, in the end, I only remember the good times. I met many interesting people from different countries. Moving to Lisbon and this six-month volunteer experience changed me a lot. I feel like I've grown so much. This is a precious life experience that no one can take away from me. If I had to decide again whether to go, I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Beijinhos 💋💋


26 junho 2024

O testemunho final da Marta (Spin)

Hey everyone,

Marta here, wrapping up my volunteer journey in Portugal. As I reflect on the past eight months, it's been a tornado of experiences, challenges, and growth. While I didn't get as involved in youth exchanges and project planning as I had initially hoped, I still treasure every moment spent here.

My travels took me to some of the most stunning destinations in Portugal, including Madeira and the Azores. I was mesmerized by the "stairway to heaven" in Madeira and the volcanic baths in the Azores. Each place was a beautiful experience in its own right. Throughout my time in these beautiful destinations, I found solace in nature and a sense of wonder in exploring new landscapes. Although I didn't have as many opportunities to connect deeply with locals, I still appreciated the warmth and hospitality they extended to me during my stay.

During my volunteer experience, I had the opportunity to make some wonderful connections and form strong bonds with fellow volunteers. These relationships have been a highlight of my journey, and I hope to maintain them even after the project ends.

Though my volunteer experience didn't unfold exactly as planned, I'm grateful for the lessons learned and the memories made. Portugal will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to have been a part of this vibrant community. 

As I move forward, I can confidently say that I've grown as a person. I've gained clarity on what I want and what I don't want, both in my personal and professional life. This journey has been transformative, and I'm excited to see where it leads me next.

Until we meet again,

Marta Alethe

21 maio 2024

O testemunho no. 1 da Elina (Spin)

Hi! My name is Elina, i'm from Finland this is my first time volunteering in the Spin association. It was warm welcoming when I arrived and people are friendly. I'm happy to be here.

Due to fibromyalgia, I have limited disabled, but here symptons are milder its nice. Also the instructors are understanding and considerate. The workplace deals with important topics about environmental protection and teaching others, it's good to work related to it.

 In National holiday and freedom day we watched fireworks it was beautiful and also parade.

In the cultural visit day we went with Italian interns to castle of S. Jorge.

02 maio 2024

O testemunho final da Maryam (Spin)


Reflecting on my journey through the ESC program in Lisbon, Portugal fills my heart with an indescribable warmth and gratitude. Over the course of 12 transformative months, I not only explored the enchanting streets of Lisbon, but I ventured further into the heart of Europe, discovering the hidden gems of cities beyond my imagination. From the historic marvels of Rome and Florence to the vibrant energy of Spain and beyond, each destination left an indelible mark on my soul, enriching my understanding of the world and igniting a passion for adventure within me.

While my primary focus during the ESC program centered around social media management and logistical support, it was my personal project that truly broadened my horizons. Delving into the intricacies of project management and gaining insights into the inner workings of NGOs, I emerged with a newfound appreciation for the tireless efforts of those dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

And let's not forget the culinary delights that Lisbon bestowed upon me – from the heavenly Pastel de Nata to the savory Cod fish dishes that tantalized my taste buds, each bite was a journey unto itself. As I prepare to bid farewell to this enchanting city, I carry with me not only memories but also recipes to recreate these mouthwatering delicacies and share them with loved ones back home.

But beyond the sights and flavors, it was the people of Lisbon who truly captured my heart. From my neighbors who welcomed me with open arms to the street cat I befriended and the friendships forged along the way, each interaction filled my days with joy and laughter. As I reflect on the friendships formed and the bonds forged, I realize that it's the people who truly make a place feel like home.

Indeed, Lisbon has become more than just a destination; it's a sanctuary where I found solace, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. Though I may bid adieu to its cobblestone streets and pastel-hued facades, the memories and lessons learned will forever be etched in my heart. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I do so with a newfound sense of purpose, gratitude, and an unwavering belief in the magic of new beginnings. Lisbon, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Obrigada for the memories, the laughter, and the love. Until we meet again.

15 abril 2024

O testemunho no. 1 do Vedran (Spin)

Magical, unreal, and a bit scary at first. That's how I felt when I first arrived in Lisbon from Berlin. But let's go back to the beginning for a moment.

Hi everyone, my name is Vedran. I'm 26 and originally from Croatia. For the past three years, I've been living my best life in Berlin. Then, late in 2023, I got this strange sudden feeling that I needed a change. I wanted to open a new chapter in my life, so I started looking for volunteer opportunities. After applying to a few, I woke up one morning to an email from Catarina saying I'd been accepted to work for Spin. Suddenly, my life took a whole new turn. I miss my family, friends, and especially my dogs, but this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. So, I accepted it and started on this new journey alone, all the way to the very west of Europe.

For the past five weeks, I've been in beautiful Lisbon, making memories, meeting new people, and experiencing the city in the best way possible. I'm trying to cherish every small moment and make something special out of it. One of the first things I needed to find, besides the usual shops and bars, was the perfect spot to watch the sunset. Lisbon has so many, and I just can't get enough of how breathtaking they are. Watching the sunset relaxes me, makes me happy, and puts me in this dreamy mood that I absolutely love.

My first day at the Spin office happened the following week on a Tuesday. I immediately loved the atmosphere; the energy of the people there is beautiful and genuine, which, for me, is the most important thing when it comes to getting along with others. Right from the first week, I was eager to take on tasks, and now I have the opportunity to manage Spin's social media. I get to capture moments of the people who work here, the activities we do together, and use my creativity to create engaging videos.

In addition to social media, I also have the chance to work on projects like "Live it Lisbon" and "Tempo dos direitos," where I can share my own ideas and turn them into reality.

I'm just at the beginning of this new chapter in my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. I know I'll enjoy working for Spin throughout the year, exploring Portugal and Lisbon's beauty, and, of course, catching many more beautiful sunsets. After my first month here, all I can say is that I'm filled with beautiful thoughts, and I hope to have many more in the near future.