13 julho 2012

SVE na Turquia - 6 meses de uma grande experiência

Após 6 meses em Fethiye (Turquia), a Catarina Almeida partilha connosco as suas reflexões e conselhos sobre o seu Serviço Voluntário Europeu (SVE)! 

"There are no words to describe how amazing my 6 months of EVS were. I was really lucky to go to such a beautiful place like Fethiye, in the south of Turkey and having the opportunity to get in touch with their friendly and warming community. 

The best part of my EVS? Definitely the people I met, the volunteers, the locals, and also the many travelers I met during my trips of ‘discovering turkey’. 

And why was that? Well, because I was able to learn new things, new ideals, completely different ways of thinking that made me a more opened person, more flexible and reasonable, in the end, I can say that it helped me growing up as a person, and that gave me a new perspective of life. Of course that not everything was perfect and there were conflicts (mainly with the boss) but in the end everything went to their place and I was able to put all the problems behind my back and move on.

In the last months I got in touch with many other ex-EVS’s and all of them have the same feelings about their EVS, and each and one of them say that they had the best experience of their life. 

The best part of this project is that it is accessible for everyone even to the ones with less opportunities, and so I advise everyone to make an EVS, there will be no regrets if you do it! 

For future EVS’s I advise you to enjoy every part of it because, unfortunately, the time passes so fast that in the end you should feel fulfil with this experience, that will be for sure the best of your lives! "
Catarina Almeida

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