25 janeiro 2013

Let´s do it! - selection results

Dear EVS Candidates,

After a long and hard process, we have managed to pre-select the candidates for the "Let´s do it!" EVS project at the Horas de Sonho Cooperative (2013-PT-5) and the Mãos do Mundo Association (2013-PT-3)! We have sent e-mails with further information to the pre-selected candidates today.

Between January 18th and 22nd, we received about 300 applications from enthusiastic candidates coming from all parts of Europe! They were all interested in becoming 1 out of 5 EVS volunteers hosted by Horas de Sonho and by Mãos do Mundo. We had the pleasure of reading some wonderful motivation letters and really impressive CVs and we must say that it was extremely frustrating having to choose just some out of so many worthy people! We would like to congratulate the pre-selected applicants who were contacted by e-mail earlier on today. However, the worth of a successful applicant is increased by the worth of those who didn't make it! We wish all the best to the non accepted applicants and, based on their applications, we are sure that they will not have difficulties finding a great EVS opportunity fulfilling their goals!

Thank you all for your kind interest and don't stop chasing your dreams!
Kindest regards,
Spin´s Staff

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