23 julho 2019

Project “ACT together” in Romania part.3

The month of June started with a event to celebrate the Children day in the 1st of June in one of the bigger squares of the city, with the participation of the volunteers from ACT together, supported by the colleagues from Action Changes Things, other group of volunteers that have another project in Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret. During this day, the volunteers had the chance to provide to children and youth a day of joy, fun and full of amusement. Team games, dancing and having the chance to listen to music played by some volunteers.

Since one of the goals is to spread the Erasmus + opportunities as much as possible, the volunteers went to Bailesti, a small city in the surrounding area of Craiova to spread the benefits that, such an experience as volunteering, can change their lives for better.

As an association that tries to promote team work and cooperation as ACT does, ACT Together also made part of some of the final activities of their colleagues from Action Changes Things in their last moments with some of their beneficiaries. A gracious chance to work with disadvantage beneficiaries which gave them an idea of this particular community and experience that, for sure, they will use in the future.

Language clubs continue to be provided for the interested beneficiaries in a weekly schedule, with english, french, spanish, portuguese, greek and georgian as example. With this sessions, both, the volunteers and the beneficiaries had improved  personal skills that could be quite useful for both. Also guitar lessons started to be given by on of our talented volunteers.

After establish a good relation with the stakeholders and beneficiaries of Bailesti, ACT Together did an event so they could interact, entertain, share they’re work and capacity to bring such a wonderful opportunity for the beneficiaries that could be, to became a volunteer.

With the period of summer and the consequent start of holidays in schools, the volunteers start also to start personal development activities and working with a more eclectic community, such an example is the Aripi de Lumina social center where they implement activities nowadays, an institution that works for youth coming from families with few resources.

Helping children to learn how to swim and to bring them joy in such an environment as a swimming pool can supply, gave them the chance also to improve some children opportunities to have beautiful moments together. Responsibility, sense help and pedagogic skills are only a few capabilities developed.

Videos, tutorials, lives on social networks are tools that the volunteers have been developing and presenting in the previous days on their online platforms. Their experience must be spread, so could be easier to understand the privilege of being a volunteer.

More surprises are coming until the end of the project and the motivation to reach the goals won’t stop!

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