30 agosto 2023

O testemunho no. 1 da Maryam (Spin)


Hey there,

I´m Maryam Odat, soaking up the vibrant vibes of Lisbon, Portugal, as part of the ESC program. Trust me, this place works its magic fast! ✨ Just two weeks in, and I'm already captivated.

The heartwarming people here remind me of home in Jordan – their hospitality is a universal language.

And the food? Let's just say my taste buds are on an adventure.

Exciting news: I´m joining the Spin team for nearly a year! I'll be jazzing up mobility programs and adding my touch to Bairro Padre Cruz. The energy here is contagious, and I can't wait to dive into all things SPIN.

Cheers to new adventures,


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