14 fevereiro 2024

O testemunho No. 1 do Rodrigo (SPEA)


2 months and a half have already passed since I arrived. We all know that time pass fast but being involved in ESC with Spin, working in Spea, and living in Lisbon makes time literally fly away.

When I applied for the program I was not expecting to be selected, actually I was living a chill life at my hometown and I could continue living that mood forever but, inside of me I knew I needed a change, and the opportunity arrived.

I am sure it is one of the best decisions in my life. Every day is an adventure, a new conversation, something to learn, new places to explore in Lisbon. Sharing time with people all around Europe, with Portuguese people in my job, learning their language and all the things the organization has to teach me about wildlife conservation and environmental education... It is just being amazing... Show must go on! 

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