15 dezembro 2022

O testemunho final do Amr (Spin)


Hello People and welcome to my last testimony,

Time ran out and it is time for me to leave my Spin family, I came to Spin having in mind that I will be a volunteer for only 9 months, however, my project was extended for a couple of months, but those also came to an end. However, during these two months, I learned a lot. 

 The last two months I joined the mid-term training in Braga, it was a new place for me, unfortunately, it was only for 3 days however it was worth it as a new experience with new people for me to get to know, new places to explore and a new opportunity to express myself and share my culture.


 The last two months for me with spin I gave goodbyes to people I wish had stayed longer, but also welcomed new volunteers that I wish I had known earlier, I spent some wonderful moments with them and I’m also grateful for that, nonetheless, I was feeling like a guest having in mind that all those who began volunteering with me were gone and soon I will be.

The last two months were very intense for me for I was going back and forth between finalizing my project and the uncertainty I had to stay in Portugal or go back to my country and what is consequent to either of them, although I pursued means to stay. it took me a while but I recently had more sudden reasons to Leave.

In the end, I feel like I have a lot to say, and yet I won’t be able to lay it out properly, I have been reflecting on the things I am most grateful for. so simply put I’m proud of taking this step that taught me a lot of things that I take forward in time with me and enabled me to explore beautiful places and meet amazing people from around the world that I will always remember, and so this is a “Thank you” for everyone who knows me, who was a part of this chapter of my life, and remember you’re always welcome in Egypt. 
 See you around.

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