28 abril 2021

O testemunho do António (Centro Juvenil Don Bosco)

Olá! Chamo-me António, sou Português e neste momento estou a fazer voluntariado em Espanha, na cidade de León.

Cheguei dia 15 de dezembro de 2020 e desde então a minha experiência tem sido muito enriquecedora. Conheci a Ainoa (a minha tutora), e os restantes voluntários no dia em que cheguei. Vivo com a Mylen (de França) e a Laura (italiana), tentando sempre melhorar o meu italiano e aprender umas palavras em Francês (mas está complicado ) e numa casa bem perto da nossa vive a Loubna (de França), a Ana (de Itália) e o Berk (da Turquia) que são os restantes voluntários. Passamos muito tempo juntos e se a minha experiência esta a ser tão enriquecedora é exatamente por compartir muito tempo com eles!

A escola onde estou a trabalhar esta situada no bairro de Armunia, nas periferias da cidade de León. Os alunos que frequentam a escola vêm de contextos familiares muito complexos e em risco de exclusão social. O meu trabalho passa essencialmente por ajuda-los no Apoio escolar. O que mais me agrada na escola é que há uma preocupação com o desenvolvimento dos alunos como um todo. Por essa razão, depois da hora de estudo reservamos sempre tempo para fazermos algum debate (falamos acerca da empatia, da assertividade, da comunicação, entre muitas outras coisas). Tempo para fazer algumas atividades desportivas, para pintar, dançar, desenhar. Assim os alunos podem expressar-se de diferentes formas.

À parte do Apoio que dou aos alunos tenho a possibilidade de desenvolver um projeto individual. Esse meu projeto passa por convidar Jovens e Adolescentes da cidade de León a praticar desporto comigo durante as tardes de Sexta-Feira. Vêm Jovens de todas as partes do mundo (Cuba, Brasil, Argentina, Paquistão, Marrocos, França, Síria, Mali…) Graças a adesão assídua de grande parte deles acredito que o projeto se esta a desenvolver de forma bastante positiva. Há muita coisa que poderia ressaltar desde voluntariado, mas sem dúvida este projeto Desportivo tem sido fantástico. O meu objetivo é o Desenvolvimento Positivo através do Desporto. Ou seja, não estou preocupado com as habilidades que cada um tem para a prática desportiva, mas sim as habilidades sociais que advém do Desporto. Trabalhar em equipa, ter empatia com os colegas, dar-lhes responsabilidades e muita autonomia.

Concluindo, fazer um voluntariado pelo Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade e contar com a ajuda da Associação Spin foi uma decisão muito importante pela qual estou muito grato. Por aqui por Espanha vou continuar a disfrutar ao máximo dos meus dias pois em pouco voltarei para Portugal e tenho consciência que vou ter saudades…das Pessoas, da cidade, da Escola, da tortilha, da Plaza del Grano…entre muitas coisas, por isso toca a disfrutar

21 abril 2021

O testemunho no. 1 da Emma (Associação Salvador)


Chamo-me Emma e estou a voluntariar em Lisboa com a Associação Salvador.

Sou italiana, tenho 26 anos e sou farmacêutica. Gosto muito de desfrutar da vida, da natureza e partilhar conhecimentos e tempo com as pessoas, especialmente se têm uma cultura ou hábitos diferentes dos meus.

Cheguei a Portugal no dia 1 de abril, quando mudou restrições por covid para entrar no país desde Itália e, por isso, agora estou a cumprir a quarentena.

Estou com muito desejo de começar a minha experiência com o corpo de solidariedade europeia com Associação Spin, e finalmente, poder descobrir muito mais sobre mim , construir lindas relações e provavelmente muito mais.

O meu projecto centrar-se-á na inclusão social das pessoas com mobilidade reduzida, um assunto que me parece muito importante e que só agora tenho a possibilidade de enfrentar de tão perto.

Ainda não sei como será o meu no dia-a-dia,mas sinto que será uma experiência enriquecedora.

Optei por escrever este testemunho em português, porque acho que é importante aprender o mais possível a língua do país onde moramos. Isso, para mim, significa provar entrar na cultura do povo com quem se partilha todos os dias.

Não tenho muitas fotos desta quarentena, mas vou partilhar uma que acho significativa: a janela do meu quarto, com o meu j-sax e o livro da gramática português.

20 abril 2021

O testemunho da Clara No. 2 (SPEAK)

Lockdown in Lisbon – not bad after all. 

When people tell you that time flies, you should believe them. I arrived in November and, in a few days, I will start my sixth month here in Portugal.

These last months have been intense. Despite the lockdown and the strict restrictions, I tried to keep a positive attitude and to get the best of this experience. I had the chance to spend more time with my flatmates and to strengthen our bonds. We managed to create a very good environment which is fundamental when you share a flat (especially if you spend most of your time at home). We developed our cooking skills, started training together, and enjoyed the sun on our ‘patio’.

Besides that, I continued working daily within the project framework. After the first months at SPEAK, I decided to become a BUDDY and to start sharing Italian leading a language group. This was quite a challenge, since I have never taught my mother tongue language and, above all, I have never led an online language group. Challenging myself was fun. I enjoyed my time with participants, and I believe that, later, I will have the chance to meet them in person as well. Moreover, being a BUDDY made me realize even better the mission of SPEAK, why it exists and why its work is so fundamental for newcomers and migrants. 

I am very satisfied with my project. I like the fact that I have been involved in every activity of my department and that I feel like a member of the team. SPEAK central team is very active and always proposing interesting activities. These are very useful not only for the workflow and the objectives of the organization. They also aim to the development of personal skills. Some highlights: a training on design thinking and creativity and a diversity journey, where to reflect on topics such as integration and inclusion. I am looking forward to the upcoming months and tasks. 

Finally, after five months of work, I decided to take a break and to have a “taste of summer”. Indeed, last week I decided to leave the capital and reach the south of Portugal – the well-known ‘Algarve’. Together with some other volunteers, we decided to join a ‘work away’ project. I am very grateful for these days. Spending some time detached from the screen, doing manual works, connected with nature and living the communitarian life for a week was a great relief. I loved paintings walls while singing and getting to know better the other volunteers. A good experience that I will certainly repeat later on in my life.

Full of positive and good energy I am now back in the city, ready for the ‘desconfinamento’ and ready to experience Lisbon.

The small takeaway of these months: Be patient, enjoy the little things and carpe diem

19 abril 2021

O testemunho do Nabil No. 2 (Bola p’ra Frente)

Here we are with the second testimony of my volunteering project which can be resumed by 3 main words: adaptation, experience and hope.

After four weeks I started being acquainted with the work, thanks to my colleagues who helped me to get closer to the kids and youngsters, get involved in the most of activities, trainings, meetings and to take initiatives. 

Consequently, my communication skills started to look up, I mean in both languages (Portuguese and English). My personal competences as well (self-confidence and self-esteem) had reached their top.

The daily interaction I had with the local community at Bairro Padre Close, had opened the door for my integration in the Portuguese society.

Now, I strongly believe in the Portuguese saying “Quem não viu Lisboa, não viu coisa boa” because Lisbon is just a wonderful city to live.

Even during this specific time of lockdown, I’m trying to stay positive and I can say it’s such a golden opportunity for me to try working from home thing that I've never tried.

Let's hope everything gets better.

07 abril 2021

O testemunho no. 1 da Henri (SPIN)

Olá! I am Henri, a new Spin volunteer from 1st of March.

I come from snowy Estonia, where I was working as an assistant in TV shows. Before that I did a short term ESC project + woofing and working holidays visas in different countries. After a few years of working in Tallinn I felt like I really wanna be part of volunteering service again. I found out that Associação Spin was looking for new volunteers. I applied and had a flight here in Lisbon - city I already felt in love from my last visit. 

Arrived here in a nice spring time. When I could feel sunny warm weather. Also when covid pandemic is lowering (compare with January and February) and restrictions were loosening. 

A Really nice time to walk and wander around the city. Looking all the beautiful architecture and street art. Love all those cute narrow streets and little rocks of all pedestrian roads. Also many big parks chill riverside area. And of course  awesome coastal line and sandy beaches. Only one thing to always remember -  when walking around the city can't forget to watch on your toes otherwise might step into a dog poop.

I am happy to be part of a Spin team. After few we were able to meet and have a meeting in real life. What we could do under the big three next to the Spin office and kindergarten. Surrounded by lovely local neighborhood Bairro Padre Cruz  full of street art worth checking out. 

Also we were finally able to host other volunteers in there and definitely looking forward to this year, to meet and get to know more nice volunteers in this sunny Portugal! 



06 abril 2021

O testemunho no. 1 da Eliisa (SPIN)

Hi everyone! My name is Eliisa, but people here know me as Elsa and I am a new volunteer at Spin Association! 

It has been 4 months since the decision to change my life and become a volunteer thanks to a really great recommendation from a good friend with the same experience. After that everything is already foggy, the time went so fast since applying, interviewing, confirming and arriving. The moment I realized that I am really doing this was when I was already landing to Lisbon which by the way- the most amazing moment in my life so far.

A month has passed since I arrived to my new home. It is still hard to wrap my mind around it- this country is where I will be spending the next 10 months of my life so in between busy moments of exploring I try to take a few breaths to take in the moment. The first weeks were amazing even though we were quarantined for 14 days since we came from Estonia, but we could still do small walks around our home. To our surprise near our home is the most prettiest park for first impressions-Marques de Pombal. This first month has all been about getting to know our neighborhood and familiarize us with Spins activities. We started with online meetings and finally after self isolation we got to meet Spin office and the area its located- Barrio Padre Cruz and of course our most wonderful Spin hostel. 

My greatest pleasure so far has been the welcoming of new volunteers which meant that we would cook a lovely meal to welcome our new amazing friends. For now what is next hopefully we are able to start organizing Live It Lisbon! Hopefully you will hear more about it soon😉

