Spin gave me the opportunity to go to Italy in March to attend the Training of Intergeneraions.
This activity happened on 13 to 19 of March, in Lecce, in the South of Italy. I went with my colegue and a member of SPIN, Aneta.
We were 22 persons from different countries of Europe. I met people from Cyprus, Greece, Sweden, Italy, Estonia, Hungary and Romania.
The training was about the Intergenerations, what activities and projects could be done. And another goal for us was setting up partnerships.
So along the days we were practicing discussing the theme and looking for other ways, other activities and opportunities that we could give to the young people and older people of our communities.
The experience was awesome, I learned a lot about other countries and how was the social work and if the inter-generational activities were important for their society.
VulcanicaMente was the NGO that lead this training and the people from the organization were really good. We worked together, we walked together, we also spent together all the time outside the formal program, wow! We even made pasta together and that was an example of inter-generational activity, working with the senior as they taught us to make pasta.
In six days I learned a lot, met new people, I have a new perspective on the inter-generational activities, new projects and new ways to make people come together.
I want to thank you, SPIN and Aneta, for this opportunity I had the chance to do new things and learn new ways to give a better quality of life to people.
Thanks SPIN, Aneta, VulcaniacaMente!
Marta Mateus
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