Temos uma vaga urgente num projecto SVE já aprovado em Reykjavík, na Islândia. (Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu? Visita a nossa página www para todas as informações!)
A estadia é de 7 meses; o projecto começará já na primeira semana de Maio e decorrerá até ao final de Novembro. A organização de acolhimento é a SEEDS Iceland. As informações gerais acerca do projecto encontram-se na sua página na base de dados do SVE.
Podem candidatar-se jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos de idade.
Abaixo segue a descrição mais detalhada das actividades propostas ao voluntário:
The basic aim of the Environmental messenger project is to raise awareness about environmental issues both within Icelanders, being hosts of SEEDS workcamps, and among the International volunteers taking part in the mentioned projects. Environmental messengers will also be a source of knowledge on specific topics of significant relevance about environment, nature protection and sustainable development. They will encourage the actors in those projects to undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which will affect the way we use our resources and we deal with the environment and the world we live in.
Before the starting date of their first international volunteers’ camp, the volunteers selected for the Environmental Messengers project will take an active role during their preparation to become Environmental messengers. The role of the environmental messenger is to raise awareness about specific environmental issues in an interactive way amongst the international volunteers present. Messengers will be given the opportunity to develop their own interest in particular topics (e.g. ecology, sustainable development, efficient use of resources etc.) through research during stage 2. There may also be the opportunity to learn from guest speakers as well as using the tools (games and activities) prepared by previous volunteers.
Environmental messengers will get the opportunity to organise several environmental work camps during their stay. They will be responsible as a group for organising activities, events and work that raise awareness in Iceland and amongst the volunteers about relevant environmental topics (e.g. recycling, waste management, water or air pollution, soil erosion, reforestation, fish stocks depletion, climate change, the UN MDGs, fair trade, healthy living, eco-tourism, etc.).
This will be an exciting opportunity for the volunteers to engage an active community to think about and act on environmental issues. To support the theoretical base for the work camp, volunteers will have the opportunity to go on excursions and arrange activities to put the theory into action. They will develop important skills in team-work, organisation and leadership. SEEDS will help the volunteers by providing access to a network of contacts and information as well as advice and support from their staff. A leader will always be present during this work camp so that the messengers can concentrate on the environmental activities.
These type of workcamps, called Environmentally Aware: In Reykjavík have been developed by former Environmental Messengers of SEEDS, and will be located in one of our SEEDS volunteers bases in Reykjavík. They are one of the main pillars of our Environmental messengers project.
Se estiveres interessado/a, envia o teu CV e a Carta de Motivação (ambos em inglês) para sve@a-spin.pt mais rapidamente possível (até dia 3 de Maio).
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