14 janeiro 2022

O testemunho No. 1 da Almudena (SPEM)

It's very difficult to describe sometimes what we have lived in the last 3 months of our life. 

Everything changes around you: your country, your friends, your work, your hobbies, your language...

I wanted to change everything when I decided to be a volunteer. I thought it would give me adrenaline and would make me feel more alive.  Everything was true. In the last 3 months, I realized that what makes me feel really alive it's growing surrounded by great people and learning of myself in different contexts.

Every one of the new people I have met in Lisbon has transmitted something important to me and I have felt very supported by them. They made me feel alive. When I look at the next 9 months of volunteering I feel excited about the future and grateful to be here at this time of my life. I'm in the place I want to be. That it's the best thing I could feel.

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