12 janeiro 2022

O testemunho No. 2 da Isa (Junta de Fregusia do Lumiar)

 9 Months already in Lisbon!!

I really can´t believe they all passed. I´ve just read some other testimonies, and I completed agree about their feelings: (happiness, sadness, surprises, brave moments…)So, having a look at my experience here, I just decided to choose a picture of a moment that represents every month. I know that choosing one photo from 30 days is difficult, but here we go!

- April: Just arrived, new feelings, new adventures, first steps in the 
streets, and also new flatmates.

- May: My birthday. Confess that in the morning I was super sad because I was new in the city, meeting new people, and I didn´t feel I
had good/real friends already. Anyway, It was amazing, and all of the people that were good I become my family. Thank you so much for
that day, you really made my day.

- June: Viana do Castello´s trip. We were invited to one of the EU events there and it was so fun!!

- July: Spanish dinner in my second house!! Love these two women.
They are amazing, we have almost arrived the same month and we´ve been meeting since the first day! Looooove you.

- August: Because of Covid, my first training was online butttt, one
association in Amarante organized a camp and I could meet some of
them in person!! That was amazing.

- September: I went to Azores!!! I knew this was the time, I knew if I 
wasn’t going there, I won´t have another chance to go there in the
future. The Azores was beautiful and being 7 people in one car was also funny! Because being a volunteer means more than doing the work at your association, means meeting new people and exploring also the country.

- October: Finally, I could teach some Spanish to my kids. I am
teaching ages 6 – 17. And I love it! Every time they have my classes, they know it because before getting in the classroom they have to choose a movement!!

- November: Saying goodbye is getting hard. Volunteers that they´ve been here before you, they have to leave Lisbon and at the same
the time you are feeling grateful for being part of theirs lives and all the good moments that you´ve spent but feels also sad because you
never know when you will see them again…we just say: Be happy and see you there in the future.

- December: New family in Casa Bernardim. Right now feeling grateful for the family I have in my house. We are 7 people, 7 nationalities and yes, the house is clean!! This was my biggest fear but everything is going fantastic. I love the way they are, everyone is different and we spend so much time together. This picture was taken at our Christmas Dinner.

See you in the testimony final.

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